I (Lou Netizen) put this site together in a fairly offhanded way, so if anything is wrong, it's my fault. I didn't use any frameworks or site builders like WordPress, SquareSpace, SiteBuilder, Weebly, Fuel, Cake, Expression Engine, Hanami, Symfony, Phalcon, Joomla, Drupal, BuilderEngine, CodeIgniter, Sinatra, node.js, etc. I do have highly detailed and goddamn heartfelt opinions about those sorts of things being unecessary dependencies and totally overblown crutches for a simple little site like this and you've probably heard enough.
Background images used throughout the site are from the European Space Agency and covered by the Creative Commons Attribute-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO licence. They have been lightly processed to consume less bandwidth. Most are satellite images of the Mahgreb. (Go on, look it up.) They're awesome. Here are some examples.